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<aside> 🏫 Yearbook Orders

Pre-ordered yearbooks will arrive at school and be delivered to student's classrooms the week of June 3rd. Whoops, I forgot to order a yearbook!! Yearbooks can only be purchased from June 3rd to June 9th through the link below! Yearbooks will be shipped directly to your home and estimated to arrive the week of June 24th. https://shop.yearbookmarket.com/rocklinacademygateway


<aside> 🥳 We are planning a fun day in the quad for all the sixth graders during the last week of school. It will be on Wednesday, June 5th, from 9:15 - 10:15 AM. The kids have created a sign up of games, popsicles or drinks, and volunteer opportunities to help make it a success. If you are able to donate any items or time to help supervise the students, please sign up here: Sign Up Link


<aside> ↩️ Parent Request! As we are nearing the end of the year I would appreciate your help in going through the students' supplies and helping them to return anything that they have borrowed from the classroom. I am missing scissors, several calculators, etc. If you could help students go through the things they have to return any of these items, I would greatly appreciate it!


Curriculum Updates


This week we have been creating food trucks! Next week, we’re going to have a “food truck fair” where everyone gets to simulate how their food truck would do as a business.


This week in ELA we’ve been listening to The Hatchet on audiobook.


This week we completed the Gondola ziplines and tested them! After making some revisions to improve, next week we will test the gondolas a second time to see if all teams were able to use the iterative design process to improve their gondola runs!


In history this week, we have been getting ready for our Ellis Island simulation. Next week, the second graders are going to “immigrate” to America through our class! (Which is going to be set up like Ellis Island)

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