How Do I See Progress for a Class?

  1. First, go to the classwork tab on any class. Click on the View your work button.

view your work.png

  1. After selecting the View your work button you can see all assignments for the class. You will find the percent grade in the upper right corner. This represents the work completion for all classwork, excluding assessments.


<aside> ⚠️ The percent does not include assessment scores! It’s only for work completion, which will be reflected in the report card work habits.


Classwork Grading Rubric

3 pts. 2 pts. 1 pt. 0 pts.
Assignment is complete, submitted on time, and follows all directions. All questions must be answered appropriately at a 6th grade level. Assignment is completed late, and follows all directions. All questions must be answered appropriately at a 6th grade level. Assignment is submitted late (within 1 week) or submitted on time mostly incomplete. Assignment incomplete, missing, or not submitted within 1 week.

Google Classroom Todo List

  1. To access the todo list, go to To-Do from the home page, or the left navigation menu.



  1. Once in the To-Do list, you will find 3 different sections; Assigned, Missing, and Done.

    Screenshot 2022-09-13 9.44.16 AM.png

    To-Do Categories Explained


    Assigned work is work that is currently being completed in the classroom. Typically, work is only here for a single day, the day it is assigned. Once work is due, it is graded and either be Missing, or Done.


    Work that is marked as ‘missing” means that the assignment was not turned in/marked as done in Google Classroom. This work will always be graded as a 0 unless it’s turned in late for partial credit.

    You may also see assignments marked as “missing” but they have been scored for full credit. This means the assignment was graded and returned, but the student never submitted the assignment in GC.


    All graded work, whether incomplete or partially complete will be found here.

    <aside> ⚠️ Work that was not completed by the student will be found under Done and scored as a 0/3.
