<aside> ⚠️ If you are looking for grades related to your child’s trimester scores (their report card), this is the place. If you are looking for daily progress and work completion, you should be looking at your child’s Google Classroom. You can find instructions for the here.


Accessing Report Card Grades in PowerSchool

By the first trimester report cards, you’ll be able to access your child’s grades and work habits from withing PowerSchool. Below are screenshots to guide you through process of accessing the correct grades.

  1. Log In to PowerSchool using your parent account, or your child’s account. (They know their log in, it’s in their conference presentations) . When you initially log in, you’ll see the screen below. These are not your child’s grades, this view is letter grades which are not on the report card for K-6th grade students.

    PS Home Page.png

  2. To access the standards grades, click on the Standards Grades tab at the top. This will take you to a view that has standards listed by class.

    PS Standards Tab.png

  3. To view standards by class, click the black ▶️ icon to the left of the class name. You’ll be able to identify the scores here. The example below shows work habits, reported under Homeroom. Ensure that you are only looking at T1, T2, or T3, depending on which trimester you are looking for scores.

    PS Work Habits.png

  4. To view comments, navigate to the Teacher Comments page from the navigation on the left side of the screen. Once you’re on the comments page, you’ll need to change the Reporting Term dropdown to the correct trimester. (T1, T2, or T3)

    PS Comments.png

Report Card Standards

Score Description
3 Proficient
2 Progressing to proficiency
1 Not progressing to proficiency

Report Card Work Habits

Percent in Google Classroom Work Habits Score Work Habits Description
90-100% E Excellent
80-90% S Satisfactory
70-80% N Needs Work
<70% U Unsatisfactory

Physical Education Grading Scale

The Google

Grading Scale Rocklin Academy Gateway Physical Education