Transportation To & From Sly Park

All students drive to and from Sly Park in busses.

Drop Off on Monday

Looks similar to a normal school drop-off, as Sly Park is a school campus. There is no parking for visiting, and parents are not permitted (except chaperones) to enter the campus. Students need to be able to carry all of what they bring to Sly Park themselves.

Pick Up on Friday

Pick up is around lunchtime at Sly Park.

We typically return to Gateway around 1-2pm, depending on traffic.

Phones, Watches & Other Communication

Phones and other smart devices are prohibited at Sly Park. In addition to concerns such as monitoring use, risk of theft/damage, and privacy concerns in and around cabins, service is very limited in many areas of Sly Park. Cell phones and smart watches are not safety devices, and they should not be relied on as a safety device.

Update While At Sly Park

We dedicate our time while at Sly Park to developing relationships with students and spending time participating with them. We will send one weekly update on Wednesday.

Chaperone Phones & Photography

Chaperones may have their phones, but are asked to not take photos of other students, and are not permitted share the photos with individuals who are not at Sly Park. Many students across all classes are on “do not photograph” lists and cannot have photos including them shared. We also respect all students privacy by not sharing who can/cannot be photographed.

Chaperone Access to Internet

Although Sly Park doesn’t have the pinnacle of internet speed, it’s there. Chaperones do have breaks throughout their day, but being a Chaperone is a full-day commitment. You will have time to check in at home, but not enough time to be getting other work done.

Chaperone Access to Electric Outlets

Cabins have outlet that chaperones can use to charge devices that belong to them.


OTC Meds

Students may not carry any medication with them. The only exceptions are epi-pens and inhalers, which students are required to self-carry so they have access throughout the campus. It is a major health risk to have students carrying undocumented medications while they are together and our board policy mandates medications (including vitamins and OTC meds) to be administered by teachers.

If you are sending any OTC medication with your child to Sly Park, you will need to submit the Rocklin Academy Overnight Medication Document.

Prescription Meds

If you are sending any prescription medication with your child to Sly Park, you will need to submit the Rocklin Academy Overnight Medication Document.

<aside> ⚠️ When registering on the Sly Park website, you may be asked to give permission for over-the-counter medications. Please ensure you have completed the RAFOS medication documentation, as this information does not allow you bring any medications.



Dietary Restrictions

You can make dietary arrangements with Sly Park through their registration process. Please be thoughtful when contacting Sly Park about dietary restrictions. Please do not contact them with personal food preferences as we need to identify real restrictions and allergies to properly support students.

Bringing Food / Snacks

Outside food is not permitted, especially in student luggage in the cabins. While the cabins are well secured, there are many insects, small animals, and kids who might leave a door open for animals to seek out free food.

Should I send bottled water with my child?

Every student should bring a reusable water bottle. The drinking water at Sly Park is excellent – there is no need to send bottled water.

See Menu in Advance?

If you would like to see the menu in advance, you should contact Sly Park directly.

Can you door dash teachers food?

Yes, if you want! Unfortunately, we cannot have people door-dashing students food.

Contact With Students

Do not expect to have contact with your child during this trip. Choosing to send your child to Sly Park is also a decision to commit to a week without communication with your child. Sly Park does not have facilities where students can contact parents outside of an emergency. You may hear from your teacher if there is a health and/or behavior concern.

Letters to Students

One way you can have contact with your child is by writing them letters! You can mail letters to Sly Park the week before we leave (to ensure they arrive in time) or give your teacher letters that are labeled.

<aside> ✉️ Sly Park Environmental Education Center 5600 Sly Park Road Pollock Pines, CA 95726


FAQ’s from Sly Park

How Much Luggage is OK?

Aim for brining a single piece of luggage (like a large duffel bag or suitcase) along with a sleeping bag (there are beds with mattresses) and pillow.

Can we opt out of activities?

For Sly Park, (in reference to the area on the RAFOS permissions form that asks about opting out) you cannot opt out of activities. Activities are chosen by the Sly Park teachers for each morning and afternoon sessions and students are expected to participate in all activities when they are able to.

Cabins with Other Schools?

While there typically is another school attending Sly Park with out school (Usually about 30 people), they are placed in different cabins.

How’s security a the cabins?

Parent chaperones stay in cabins with students. Doors are locked at night and are equipped with alarms. Teachers and Sly Park staff lock the door to the cabin at night after checking in with the students and chaperones.

What about student who don’t go?

Students who do not attend Sly Park will be placed in a 5th grade classroom and provided alternate work.

Are we the only school there?

Most years we are not the only school at Sly Park, although we take up the majority of the campus. Generally there is another 1-2 cabins of students from another school in the area.

What is the farthest hike?

The longest hike is about 5 miles round trip. It’s a gradual hike along a very well established and open trail.

Are the hiking and cabin groups mixed?

Hiking groups and cabins are mixed between classes, so there will be variety of all different 6th grade students in the cabins and in the hiking groups. Each child from Rocklin Academy does have a designated buddy that they are in a cabin and hiking group with, from their own class.

Are the cabins heated and air conditioned?

Every cabin has central heating, but the cabins are not air conditioned.

What are the chances of activities or the week being cancelled due to weather?

Extremely low. Rarely has camp ever ended due to weather (never for Rocklin Academy) and students are expected to participate in activities rain or shine! If the weather becomes a problem for some of the outdoor activities, where safety is a concern, there are alternate indoor activities the Sly Park teachers can do.

Are there restrooms and showers in the cabins?

Yes. Every cabin has restrooms inside with sinks and private toilets and showers.

Are the students required to shower while at Sly Park?

Students are expected to shower every full day that the program is in session. To conserve water, and to ensure that each student has the opportunity to bathe, showers are limited to five minutes.

What kind of bedding should I send for my child?

For the sake of comfort at night, a sleeping bag and pillow are recommended; it is also nice to have a fitted sheet to cover the mattress. Sheets and blankets are also acceptable.

Should/can students bring a backpack?

YES! All student should bring a small backpack (even a school backpack) so that they can carry things on hikes. All students should have water with them at all times so a backpack is perfect for this.

Can I send a camera with my child?

Yes. We recommend sending an inexpensive camera labeled with your child’s name.

What type of footwear should I send with my child?

Shoes should be sturdy, comfortable and have good tread for hiking. We don’t recommend sending brand new shoes, as they can cause blisters. Two pairs of shoes are strongly recommended in case one pair gets wet or causes blisters.

What if my child gets homesick?

The Sly Park staff and the teachers from your child’s school will work with your child to help them be successful during their Sly Park trip. Occasional homesickness is normal. Because we focus on overcoming challenges and trying new things, in most cases, students are not sent home due to homesickness.

I’ve heard that students get to silkscreen a shirt. Is that true?

Students will have the opportunity to silkscreen a t-shirt, sweatshirt, pillowcase, tote bag, or other cloth item with either Sly Park’s traditional butterfly logo or this year’s unique design. Bright, solid colors are recommended.

<aside> ⚠️ Some of this information is specific to our trip. If you are looking for things such as packing lists, you can find that in the Sly Park Handbook.
