
New for 2023! Here is a document about reporting absences.

To Report Absences:


By phone: (916) 778-4550, option 1 for all grades

By email: [email protected]

By School News app: download School News app from the app store or google play.

  1. On the school's home landing page, click the website link.
  2. click the Staff button at the bottom of the page
  3. send an *Email to Attendance Clerk.
  4. Be sure to put your child's name and the date of the absence.


<aside> ⚠️ Why Do We Have ISPs? To put it plainly, schools get money based on attendance. Each day your child is absent, the school loses money (about $60 per day). ISP’s are a way to recoup some of the money lost from absences. ISP’s are very important! Taking you child out of school for a week for vacation or a week of an illness is equivalent of the entire annual classroom budget being lost. Please do your part to help out!


When Do We Get An ISP?

You get an ISP any time your child is absent. The ISP’s are dated for the first day of the absence and are good for 10 days following the first date. (So, you only need 1 ISP as long as the absence is 10 days or less)

How Can We Access the Curriculum?

All curriculum need is entirely online in Google Classroom. Students should simply need to complete any work assigned in Google Classroom. All regularly assigned curriculum is online, with the exception of some of the ELA novels. (The Lightning Thief has a PDF in Google Classroom)

There are times that the class will be working on project in class over a few days, and there might not be a single assignment given/due for that particular day. If your child is absent during these times, they could email me if they have any questions about what they could do, or arrangements for an alternative assignment (if needed) can be made when they return.

What do I need to return with the ISP?

Nothing! As long as it’s signed correctly, you do not need to attach any work as students already submit photos of their work to their Google Classroom assignments, or they complete them online.